Anthony T. Ballato is an attorney and counsellor at law, licensed to practice in New York, New Jersey and Georgia state and federal courts and the United States Supreme Court. Mr. Ballato represents crime victims of substantial frauds, cons, and schemes involving a wide variety of deceptive trade practices, auto fraud, counterfeit goods and larcenies, with substantial verdicts and punitive damages in excess of two million dollars in a single case and has been a featured speaker on public television and has had cases published in the New York Law Journal, Jury Verdict Reporter, Newsday and other publications.
He maintains his law office at Massapequa, Oyster Bay Town, Nassau County, New York for the general practice of law and litigation in all courts. Mr. Ballato is a trained arbitrator for the Better Business Bureau and Attorney General in consumer lemon law matters, a Hearing Examiner for the Town of Oyster Bay, former general counsel for the Massapequa Water District and associate counsel for the Manhasset Lakeville Water and Fire Districts, as well as pro bono counsel for various churches and not for profit organizations.
In addition, Anthony T. Ballato is a volunteer attorney of the Surrogate Decision Making Committee of the State of New York Commission on Quality of care for the Mentally Disabled, a former officer of the Columbian Lawyers Association, a former adjunct professor of paralegal studies at New York Institute of Technology, a member of the Speakers Bureaus of the Bar Associations of Nassau and Suffolk Counties, a court appointed Referee and has vast experience in various litigation ranging from family law matters, construction law, personal injury, contracts, business concerns, lemon law, pet law, bankruptcy, real estate, trusts and estates and numerous other matters.
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