Benjamin Erwin Pool is a lawyer practicing in Montgomery, Alabama in areas such as Car accident, Workers compensation, Wrongful death, Family, and Criminal defense since last 46 years. He acquired the license to practice law in Alabama in 1972.
He obtained an undergraduate degree from Auburn University. He attended the University of Alabama Law School and received a Juris Doctor degree. He is a member of the Montgomery County Bar Association, and the Alabama Municipal Judges Association.
Benjamin Pool practices privately at the Pool Law Firm, started in 1973. Before that, he worked as a law clerk to the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals. He is also serving as a Municipal Judge at the City of Millbrook since 1977.
Attorney Pool has a rich experience in handling different types of cases at Federal and State courts, at both the trial and appellate levels. In addition to his law practice, he has also served as a professor of criminal law and criminal procedure at Jones Law School for 12 years. He has also taught business law at Huntington College.
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