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Chadler Hardin

Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC

Chadler M. Hardin joined the Louisville office of Stoll Keenon Ogden as an Associate in 2017. Chad has made oral arguments before the Kentucky Court of Appeals and has counseled clients in both trial and appellate cases.

For every client and legal situation, Chad adopts a goal-oriented and problem-solving approach that’s complemented by a passion for delivering the best possible representation.

Prior to joining SKO, Chad spent three years in private practice with other firms, where he defended businesses, insurance companies and professionals in lawsuits involving fraud, personal injury, trademark infringement, insurance coverage, bad faith, defamation and shareholder disputes.

Business Litigation: Chad tries cases and guides business clients tactically through all stages of a conflict, from initial investigations to post-trial motions. He works with small companies as well as major corporations from a variety of industries.

Tort, Trial & Insurance Services: Chad’s experience leaves him well positioned to successfully represent policyholders and insurers alike across a wide range of matters. He routinely handles coverage disputes, defense of bad faith claims and other challenges relating to tender demands, reinsurance agreements, and alternative dispute resolutions.


  • University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law 2014, J.D., magna cum laude
  • University of Louisville 2011, B.S., magna cum laude


  • Kentucky
  • U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Kentucky
  • U.S. District Court, Western District of Kentucky

Affiliations :

  • Kentucky Bar Association
  • Defense Research Institute
  • Kentucky Defense Counsel


Rate : $$$

What types of cases Attorney Chadler Hardin & Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC can handle?
Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC can handle cases related to laws concerning Insurance, Business, Trademark infringement, Personal Injury, Litigation, Lawsuits & Disputes. We manually verify each attorney’s practice areas before approving their profiles and reviews on our website.
Where is Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC located?
Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC is located at 300 W Vine St #2100, Lexington, KY 40507, USA. You can reach out to Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC using their phone line 502.568.5442. You can also check their website or email them at
How much would it cost to hire Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC?
Chadler Hardin lawyer charges are specific to each case. However, they work with contingency fees and its ranges from $$ to $$$. They also provide free consultation [and no obligation quotes] if you are interested to hire.
Are Chadler Hardin reviews trust-able?
We have the ratings and reviews moderation team who checks and verifies every review submitted on our website manually. You can trust all the reviews you see on Chadler Hardin lawyer profile listing.

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Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC
300 W Vine St #2100, Lexington, KY 40507, USA
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