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Colleen E. Coveney

Katz, Marshall & Banks LLP

Colleen Coveney joined Katz, Marshall & Banks in June 2012 as a Litigation Fellow. She is now a Partner at the Firm. During her time at Katz, Marshall & Banks, Ms. Coveney has helped achieve successful outcomes for numerous clients in a range of civil rights and discrimination matters, including gender discrimination cases under Title IX of the Education Amendments, employment discrimination and retaliation cases under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, and whistleblower cases under various federal and state whistleblower laws.

Ms. Coveney received a Bachelor of Arts in History in 2006 from the University of Georgia, graduating magna cum laude with Honors and was elected into Phi Beta Kappa.  In 2011, Ms. Coveney received her J.D. from Georgia State University College of Law.

While in law school, Ms. Coveney worked as a law clerk at the ACLU of Georgia on its Immigrants’ Rights/National Security Project, for which she interviewed over 30 immigrant detainees in different detention facilities across Georgia in preparation for writing a comprehensive report on human rights violations in the immigration detention system.

Ms. Coveney was also a founding member of the Legal Society for Intimate Partner Violence Education, a student-run organization dedicated to raising awareness about intimate partner violence and the law. Prior to law school, Ms. Coveney worked as a legal assistant at Sullivan & Cromwell, LLP in New York for two years.

In addition to her work at Katz, Marshall & Banks, Ms. Coveney has served as a volunteer attorney at the D.C. Volunteer Lawyers Project, a non-profit organization that provides free legal services to low-income individuals in the District of Columbia.


Rate : $$$

What types of cases Attorney Colleen E. Coveney & Katz, Marshall & Banks LLP can handle?
Katz, Marshall & Banks LLP can handle cases related to laws concerning Discrimination, Civil Rights, Education. We manually verify each attorney’s practice areas before approving their profiles and reviews on our website.
Where is Katz, Marshall & Banks LLP located?
Katz, Marshall & Banks LLP is located at Sixth Floor, 1718 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20009, USA. You can reach out to Katz, Marshall & Banks LLP using their phone line 202.299.1140. You can also check their website
How much would it cost to hire Katz, Marshall & Banks LLP?
Colleen E. Coveney lawyer charges are specific to each case. However, they work with contingency fees and its ranges from $$ to $$$. They also provide free consultation [and no obligation quotes] if you are interested to hire.
Are Colleen E. Coveney reviews trust-able?
We have the ratings and reviews moderation team who checks and verifies every review submitted on our website manually. You can trust all the reviews you see on Colleen E. Coveney lawyer profile listing.

2 reviews on Colleen E. Coveney

  1. Tom Hagen

    Courteous and Professional

    I’ve worked with Colleen on a number of different projects and she always went above and beyond the necessary. Courteous and professional, she always delivered results in a timely manner, as well. Will highly recommend her legal services to colleagues.

  2. ff

    very bad experience!

    My experience was horrible. We had an agreement and then right before I needed her representation she pulled out based on false information. I am a whistleblower and so there are things that need to be private. I shared with her factual information and she claimed I provided false information about my name, age and location but she was wrong. The point is she willl leave you after you already have an agreement, you turn down other legal counsels and will leave you to fight the wolves for yourself. And will also falsely accuse you of misrepresenting yourself. Do not take a chance with her! All of this happened to me and I hope it doesn’t happen to someone else

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