Douglas R. Banghart represents major institutional investors, developers, local governments, community development entities (CDEs), and nonprofit organizations, primarily in real estate redevelopment projects using historic rehabilitation tax credits (HTCs) and new markets tax credits (NMTCs).
He has extensive experience in closing new markets tax credit leverage fund transactions, including acting as lead attorney on the largest single qualified equity investment ever closed, and twinned historic and new markets tax credit transactions.
Doug has also represented taxpayers in tax controversy matters involving tax credits, developers purchasing and selling tax credit properties during their compliance periods, and conventional lenders financing tax credit projects.
He has represented the investors, CDEs, borrowers, and developers in hundreds of tax credit transactions, including a significant number of state and federal combined historic and new markets tax credit transactions.
Doug speaks frequently on issues related to partnership taxation and the legal and tax implications of various incentive programs. He is a member of the Massachusetts Bar Association and the Virginia Bar Association.
- University of Florida (LL.M. in Taxation 2007);
- Washington and Lee University (J.D. 2000);
- The College of Wooster (B.A. magna cum laude 1997; Raymond R. Day Prize in Urban Studies; Pew Research Fellowship)
BAR ADMISSIONS : Massachusetts and Virginia
- East West Bank finances rehabilitation of historic building in Cortland, New York
- Capital One finances construction of charter school in Chicago, Illinois
- Confidential taxpayer obtains No Action Letter following audit of transaction involving historic new markets and rehabilitation tax credits
- SunTrust Community Capital invests in newly constructed sports and health facility, generating federal new markets tax credits
- Jamestown initiates historic rehabilitation of iconic Sears, Roebuck and Co. building in Atlanta, Georgia
- Related Companies refinances certain loans and assesses tax consequences and impact on New Markets Tax Credits
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