Leading attorney Jason R. Smith graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in History and Psychology from the University of Victoria in 1997. In 2001, Mr. Smith earned his law degree from Michigan State University, Detroit College of Law.
During law school, Mr. Smith interned for the Chief Judge of the Ingham County Circuit Court, a private law firm, and a legal aid clinic. Upon graduation and while studying for the bar exam, Mr. Smith served as a law clerk for the Maricopa County Public Defender’s Office. After passing the bar exam and anxious to get in the courtroom.
Mr. Smith took an attorney position with the Mohave County Public Defender’s Office and immediately began trying cases. In fact, he tried 11 cases in his first year of practice of law and obtained several not guilty verdicts—including his clients being acquitted of all charges in 4 of 5 jury trials. After gaining criminal trial experience.
Mr. Smith began working for a boutique firm in the Phoenix area specializing in personal injury law, where he learned the ins and outs of this area of practice. He handled a very large case load and handled all aspects of personal injury cases, including pre-litigation and litigation matters.
From that point, Mr. Smith knew he was ready to start his own practice combining the two areas of law he enjoyed most and had gained the most experience in: criminal law and personal injury law.
Mr. Smith continued his success and won his first jury-trial in private practice. Today, Mr. Smith serves as the lead attorney for the Law Firm of Jason R. Smith, where he helps his clients achieve favorable results in their cases.
He also acts as a Superior Court arbitrator deciding cases subject to appeal and participates in the Channel 12 News Lawyers on Call program. Away from the practice of law, Mr. Smith loves to spend time with his family and friends.
He is also active and regularly plays ice-hockey and participates in endurance sports, including, finishing 2 Ironman events, over 20 half and full marathons and an annual run-hike of the Grand Canyon rim-to-rim-to-rim.
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