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Johnnie Franks Woodruff

Woodruff & McCaney LLC

Johnnie Franks Woodruff specializes in Divorce and separation, Criminal Defense, Child support, Alimony, Appeals, Adoption and Personal injury cases in Alabama. She acquired the license to practice law in 2005. She is a Partner at the law firm, Woodruff & McCaney, LLC, since 2015.

Attorney Woodruff also focuses her practice on matters related to Family, Divorce and separation, Criminal Defense, Estate planning, and Juvenile Law.

Johnnie F. Woodruff has secured admission to practice in Alabama, 11th Circuit, and Federal Circuit. She is a member of Alabama State Bar, Trial lawyers association, Lauderdale County Bar Association, Christian Legal Society, and Family Law Association.

Johnnie Woodruff completed B.A. in History in 2001 and MBA in 2003 from Freed-Hardeman University. She later attended the Thomas Goode Jones School of Law at the Faulkner University to complete her Juris Doctorate. She graduated with top honors in 2005.

While studying at the Faulkner University, she served as an editor in Chief Law Review, and Mediation Clinic Assistant. She was also a part of Domestic Violence Clinic and Trial Lawyers of America.

She served as a Law Clerk at the Montgomery County Circuit Court in the year 2002-2003. She started working with the law firm, Beasley Allen, P.C. as an associate in 2003.

After obtaining her law degree, she started working as a Law Clerk for the honorable Justice of Alabama Supreme Court. She later joined The Shoals Law Group as a partner. She worked with this law firm for almost ten years.


Rate : $$$

What types of cases Attorney Johnnie L Franks & Woodruff & McCaney LLC can handle?
Woodruff & McCaney LLC can handle cases related to laws concerning Personal Injury, Divorce, Criminal Defense, Child Support, Child Custody, Appeals, Adoption. We manually verify each attorney’s practice areas before approving their profiles and reviews on our website.
Where is Woodruff & McCaney LLC located?
Woodruff & McCaney LLC is located at 1604 Mockingbird Ct g, Florence, AL 35630, USA. You can reach out to Woodruff & McCaney LLC using their phone line (256) 349-5370. You can also check their website
How much would it cost to hire Woodruff & McCaney LLC?
Johnnie L Franks lawyer charges are specific to each case. However, they work with contingency fees and its ranges from $$ to $$$. They also provide free consultation [and no obligation quotes] if you are interested to hire.
Are Johnnie L Franks reviews trust-able?
We have the ratings and reviews moderation team who checks and verifies every review submitted on our website manually. You can trust all the reviews you see on Johnnie L Franks lawyer profile listing.

1 review on Johnnie Franks Woodruff

  1. Tammy

    Best Lawyer in the Tri Cities Area

    She is a bulldog in court. She does not back down. Someone referred me t her this was the best money I ever spent because I got a peace of mind with her on my side. Best lawyer in area.

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Woodruff & McCaney LLC
1604 Mockingbird Ct g, Florence, AL 35630, USA
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