A former scientist with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Julius Brecht focus as a lawyer has been in the technical world of securities law, including public offerings.
From 1976 through 1980, he served as Director of the Alaska Division of Banking and Securities. In 1980 he entered the private practice of law, principally in the area of state and federal securities law.
Mr. Brecht represents private businesses, financial institutions, nonprofit organizations, and Native corporations formed under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971.
His work before the Securities and Exchange Commission and state securities regulators involves registrations, filings, and opinions for clients, including work involving the issuance of publicly traded securities.
He advises clients on business structure and transactions.
He was instrumental in organizing, and continues to advise, the Alaska Trust Company, the first independent trust company in Alaska.
Mr. Brecht serves on a special committee established by the Alaska Division of Banking and Securities to address comprehensive legislation to replace the current Alaska Securities Act.
He drafted the Alaska Municipal Port Authority Act.
Mr. Brecht enjoys his involvement in various civic and community organizations, including Great Alaska Council Boy Scouts of America, Anchorage Rotary, and Commonwealth North.
With his love of astronomy and background with NASA, he co-chairs the Anchorage Planet Walk Committee of Anchorage Rotary. Click on the blue button here for more information on the Anchorage Planet Walk.
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