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Kit Addleman

Haynes and Boone LLP

Kit Addleman is a partner in the Dallas and Fort Worth offices of Haynes and Boone, where she is a member of the Government Investigations and Investment Management Practice Groups. She also serves as chair of the firm’s SEC Enforcement Defense Practice Group and co-head of the firm’s Crisis Management Practice Group.

Whether she is defending clients against charges of wrongdoing or helping clients stay off the government’s radar, Kit uses the extensive experience she gleaned at the SEC to provide vigorous representation to advance her clients’ interests.

Kit defends companies and their executives and directors against charges of civil and criminal misconduct, particularly investigations and litigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission and Department of Justice. Many of her experiences involve defending allegations of accounting and financial fraud, insider trading, hedge fund and advisor fraud, and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations.

She also counsels public companies, investment advisors, hedge funds and broker-dealers concerning compliance with the securities laws and SEC rules.

Prior to joining Haynes and Boone at the end of 2009, Kit was the director of the Atlanta Regional Office of the SEC. She led the enforcement, examination and bankruptcy programs for the SEC in five Southeastern states, which included directing the enforcement priorities and resolutions of investigations and litigation.

Kit has more than 20 years of experience with the SEC in the Atlanta, Fort Worth, Denver and Philadelphia offices including heading the enforcement program in the SEC’s Fort Worth and Atlanta offices before being named the regional director in Atlanta in 2007.

Kit is a sought-after authority for her knowledge of the SEC’s enforcement and examination programs and frequently speaks at national, international and regional conferences. She has also authored and contributed to numerous articles, white papers and alerts on the subject.

Kit brings the same zeal with which she serves her clients to her firm colleagues and to her community. She is a member of Haynes and Boone’s diversity committee and co-chairs the Women’s Leadership Academy for the development of senior associate women. In addition, Kit serves the Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas as the chair of its board of directors.

Her efforts with the Girl Scouts were recognized by the Dallas Business Journal, American City Business Journals, in 2016, when the National Association of Corporate Directors named her an “Outstanding Director.” She is also a past board member of both the National Society of Compliance Professionals and the Consumer Credit Counseling Service, organizations which support the missions of financial literacy and money management, investor protection and securities compliance.


  • J.D., Oklahoma City University School of Law, 1986, with distinction
  • B.A., American and Comparative Politics, Wake Forest University, 1983


  • Texas, 1990
  • Oklahoma, 1986


Rate : $$$

What types of cases Attorney Kit Addleman & Haynes and Boone LLP can handle?
Haynes and Boone LLP can handle cases related to laws concerning Corporate, Litigation, Government. We manually verify each attorney’s practice areas before approving their profiles and reviews on our website.
Where is Haynes and Boone LLP located?
Haynes and Boone LLP is located at 2323 Victory Ave #700, Dallas, TX 75219, USA. You can reach out to Haynes and Boone LLP using their phone line 214.651.5783. You can also check their website or email them at
How much would it cost to hire Haynes and Boone LLP?
Kit Addleman lawyer charges are specific to each case. However, they work with contingency fees and its ranges from $$ to $$$. They also provide free consultation [and no obligation quotes] if you are interested to hire.
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Haynes and Boone LLP
2323 Victory Ave #700, Dallas, TX 75219, USA
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