Mark High work at Dickinson Wright PLLC. Practice areas Automotive, China, Corporate Law, Business Law, Corporate Governance, International/Regions, Mergers & Acquisitions, and Private Equity.
- University of Manchester, England, 1975
- The College of Wooster, B.A., 1976
- Duke University School of Law, J.D., 1979
Bar Admission:
- Michigan, 1985
Professional Involvement:
- Canada-U.S. Business Association, President and Member of Board of Directors
- State Bar of Michigan, Business Law Section; Council Member, 2002-2007; Section Chair, 2006-2007
- American Bar Association, Section on Business Law, Member of Model Shareholder Agreement Task Force
- U.S. Law Firm Group, Former Co-Chair, Corporate and Securities Committee
- Institute of Continuing Legal Education (ICLE), Member, Business Law Advisory Board
- Detroit Regional Chamber, Former Chair, Canadian Investment Committee
Rate : $$$
What types of cases Attorney Mark R. High & Dickinson Wright PLLC can handle?
Dickinson Wright PLLC can handle cases related to laws concerning Corporate, Business, Mergers & Acquisitions, International Law. We manually verify each attorney’s practice areas before approving their profiles and reviews on our website.
Where is Dickinson Wright PLLC located?
Dickinson Wright PLLC is located at One Detroit Center, 500 Woodward Ave #4000, Detroit, MI 48226, USA. You can reach out to Dickinson Wright PLLC using their phone line (313) 223-3650. You can also check their website dickinson-wright.com.
How much would it cost to hire Dickinson Wright PLLC?
Mark R. High lawyer charges are specific to each case. However, they work with contingency fees and its ranges from $$ to $$$. They also provide free consultation [and no obligation quotes] if you are interested to hire.
Are Mark R. High reviews trust-able?
We have the ratings and reviews moderation team who checks and verifies every review submitted on our website manually. You can trust all the reviews you see on Mark R. High lawyer profile listing.