Michael D Corey specializes in practice areas like business and litigation. He has 33 years of extensive experience in handling legal issues in Anchorage, Alaska. He has served as an honest and caring attorney. He has lived in Anchorage for more than 38 years. He is in private practice since 1985. He has extensive courtroom experience. He works with integrity, hard work, and thoughtful reasoning.
He is a member of the American Bar Association, Anchorage Bar Association, and the Alaska Bar Association. He has also served as a member of the Alaska Bar Ethics Committee in the past. He is committed to the community. He invests in the coaching of the youth in Alaska.
Michael Corey has served as a hockey coach in Anchorage for 22 years. He has also worked as an assistant coach of the Service High School Varsity Hockey Team.
He obtained a Bachelor of Arts with major in geology from the University of Colorado in 1982. He went on to obtain his Juris Doctorate from the University of San Diego School of Law in 1985.
After obtaining the law degree in 1985, he obtained bar admission to practice law in Alaska. He started serving as an attorney at the law firm, Wuestenfeld & Corey, LLC in 1985 and worked there till 2013. He joined Jermain, Dunnagan, & Owens, P.C. in 2013 as an Attorney. He worked there till 2014.
Corey started serving as a Superior court judge in the Third Judicial District in 2014 and has served till 2018. Governor Sean Parnell appointed Corey as a judge on July 23, 2014, to replace retiring Judge Sen Tan.
He has served as a judge for four years at the Superior Courts of Alaska, which are trial courts for civil as well as criminal cases. As a former prosecutor, he has prosecuted assault, sexual assault, and child abuse cases. As a judge, he has presided over hundreds of criminal cases.
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