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Phillip Dale Corley Jr.

Wallace Jordan Ratliff & Brandt LLC

Phillip Corley joined Wallace, Jordan, Ratliff & Brandt in 1995 and served as managing member of the firm from 2008-2013. He practices in the areas of real estate law, commercial lending, commercial transactions, and municipal law.

Phillip represents lenders, borrowers and developers in commercial real estate transactions both in Alabama and across the country. In his commercial mortgage practice, Phillip has extensive experience representing lenders in portfolio, CMBS, and Fannie Mae loans and credit facilities for commercial and multifamily properties in more than 40 states. He serves as the City Attorney for the City of Hoover, Alabama, the sixth largest municipality in the state.

Phillip is a member of the Alabama State Bar, the American Bar Association, and the Birmingham Bar Association. According to Martindale-Hubbell ® , he is rated “AV ® ,” the highest possible peer review rating for legal ability and ethical standards.  Phillip was selected by his peers as a Top Attorney (Commercial Real Estate) in Birmingham Magazine’s 2012 Top Attorneys survey.

Born in 1969 in Birmingham, Alabama, Phillip attended the University of Alabama, and graduated in 1991 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history. He graduated from the University of Alabama School of Law in 1994.


Rate : $$$

What types of cases Attorney Phillip Dale Corley Jr. & Wallace Jordan Ratliff & Brandt LLC can handle?
Wallace Jordan Ratliff & Brandt LLC can handle cases related to laws concerning Banking, Real Estate, Business. We manually verify each attorney’s practice areas before approving their profiles and reviews on our website.
Where is Wallace Jordan Ratliff & Brandt LLC located?
Wallace Jordan Ratliff & Brandt LLC is located at 800 Shades Creek Pkwy #400, Birmingham, AL 35209, USA. You can reach out to Wallace Jordan Ratliff & Brandt LLC using their phone line (205) 874-0335. You can also check their website
How much would it cost to hire Wallace Jordan Ratliff & Brandt LLC?
Phillip Dale Corley Jr. lawyer charges are specific to each case. However, they work with contingency fees and its ranges from $$ to $$$. They also provide free consultation [and no obligation quotes] if you are interested to hire.
Are Phillip Dale Corley Jr. reviews trust-able?
We have the ratings and reviews moderation team who checks and verifies every review submitted on our website manually. You can trust all the reviews you see on Phillip Dale Corley Jr. lawyer profile listing.

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Wallace Jordan Ratliff & Brandt LLC
800 Shades Creek Pkwy #400, Birmingham, AL 35209, USA
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