Raymond Marshall Lykins is an attorney practicing in Alabama and concentrating on fields like Social Security, Social Security Appeals, Social Security Disability, Federal Appeals, Social Security Disability Insurance, and Supplemental Security Income. He serves as an Associate at the Law Offices of Clark, James, Hanlin & Hunt LLC., established in 1974 and based in Birmingham, Alabama.
He majorly deals with complex issues concerning Social Security Disability. He has obtained the membership of a National Organization comprising of representatives of claimants of Social Security.
Raymond M. Lykins obtained the Bachelor’s of Arts degree from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in 1999. He later attended the Cumberland School of Law at the Samford University located in Birmingham. He earned his Juris Doctorate in law in the year 2002.
He acquired the license to practice law in the state of Alabama in 2002. He further obtained the permission to appear before the U.S. District Court Northern District of Alabama in 2009.
Attorney Raymond Lykins has a successful legal practice of nearly sixteen years. He speaks English and German languages. He is a highly skilled and knowledgeable lawyer working for the best interest of his clients. He provides personalized attention and individualized strategy to them.
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