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Robert Callaway

McGuireWoods LLP

Robert L. Callaway is a detail-oriented lawyer whose lengthy experience in the real estate practice enables him to assist his clients in achieving their business and legal objectives in a thorough, efficient and timely manner.

Bob’s clients appreciate that he is readily accessible and always interested in achieving the best possible results for them. He represents landlords and tenants, buyers and sellers, brokers and property managers, and lenders and developers of commercial real estate, both regionally and nationally.

Bob serves as a close adviser to his clients in a broad range of real estate transactions, including the purchase, sale, financing, development, construction, leasing and management of multifamily projects, office buildings, shopping centers, industrial projects, mixed use projects, condominiums, hotels and restaurants.


  • Serving as Chief Leasing Counsel for a Dallas-based retail real estate investment company that operates premier quality shopping centers.
  • Representation of a Toronto-based real estate investment company in the acquisition, operation and sale of multifamily projects priced from $15-$30 million.
  • Representation of a Colorado-based developer in the acquisition, platting and development of 50 urban acres for construction of a retail, industrial and multifamily development  project.
  • Served as Chief Texas Counsel for a large national bank in the negotiated foreclosure of a 200,000 square foot Class A office building, secured by a $28 million mortgage.
  • Served as Chief Leasing Counsel for an international pension fund involving a $43 million industrial property portfolio.
  • Represented a real estate investment company, as landlord, in negotiating a major single-user office lease with Motorola, Inc. for a 121,000 square foot high technology office building. Negotiated and closed with a global financial services firm the permanent CMBS mortgage financing for the building owner.

Education :

  • The University of Texas School of Law, JD, 1981
  • Southern Methodist University, BA, University Scholar, 1978
  • Southern Methodist University, BBA, magna cum laude, 1978

Admissions :

  • Texas
  • U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas

Affiliations :

  • Member, State Bar of Texas; Member, Dallas Bar Association; Chairman, Real Property Law Section of Dallas Bar Association, 2000
  • Board of Management, YMCA Camp Grady Spruce, YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas, 1990-present; Senior Real Estate Counsel for Perot Museum of Nature & Science, Dallas, Texas, on a largely pro bono basis, 2011-present
  • Member, North Texas Commercial Association of Real Estate Professionals
  • Member, DFW Income Property Owners & Brokers Network


Rate : $$$

What types of cases Attorney Robert Callaway & McGuireWoods LLP can handle?
McGuireWoods LLP can handle cases related to laws concerning Real Estate, Land Use & Zoning. We manually verify each attorney’s practice areas before approving their profiles and reviews on our website.
Where is McGuireWoods LLP located?
McGuireWoods LLP is located at 2000 McKinney Ave #1400, Dallas, TX 75201, USA. You can reach out to McGuireWoods LLP using their phone line 214.932.6491. You can also check their website or email them at
How much would it cost to hire McGuireWoods LLP?
Robert Callaway lawyer charges are specific to each case. However, they work with contingency fees and its ranges from $$ to $$$. They also provide free consultation [and no obligation quotes] if you are interested to hire.
Are Robert Callaway reviews trust-able?
We have the ratings and reviews moderation team who checks and verifies every review submitted on our website manually. You can trust all the reviews you see on Robert Callaway lawyer profile listing.

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McGuireWoods LLP
2000 McKinney Ave #1400, Dallas, TX 75201, USA
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