Scott Silberman, esq. is a Certified Specialist in Workers’ Compensation. He has also been recognized by the Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Workers Compensation as an Arbitrator. He has experience representing both injured workers as well as employers and insurance companies, but now exclusively represents injured workers and their dependents.
Coming from a family of workers compensation attorneys, and his father being a retired workers’ compensation Judge, Scott has literally grown up with workers’ compensation. He has written law review articles and lectured to bar associations in regards to changes in workers compensation law.
Prior to becoming one of the founding partners of Silberman & Lam, LLP, Mr. Silberman was a partner at Silberman Law Offices, LLP. Before becoming an attorney, Mr. Silberman worked both as a claims adjuster and as a legal extern at the California Court of Appeal for Presiding Justice David Sills. When not working Scott enjoys skiing and scuba diving and spending time with his sons.
Scott Silberman was named as one of the top Orange County Attorneys in Workers’ Compensation by Orange Coast Magazine.
Mr. Silberman currently serves as an Advisory Commissioner for the California Board of Legal Specialization for the State Bar of California. There are a total of 8 attorneys who currently function in this role in determining who qualifies as a legal specialist in the field or Workers’ Compensation in California..
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