A Certified Family Law Specialist by the State Bar of California’s Board of Specialization, Scott N. Weston has more than 30 years of experience representing celebrities and high net worth clients in family law matters, particularly the enforcement of premarital agreements, child support and spousal support, custody and complex property division and business valuation.
Prior to joining the firm, Scott was Of Counsel with Nachshin & Langlois (previously Nachshin & Weston), where he also was a founding partner. In addition, Scott has authored a number of articles on divorce and related subjects in New Business Today, The Business Edge, Arts and Entertainment Handbook, Yahoo! Personals and Yahoo! Money and Finance, and Overtime magazine.
Scott has co-authored a recently revised book, I Do, You Do… But Just Sign Here: A Quick and Easy Guide to Cohabitation, Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements.
Features in which Scott has been singled out include: the Los Angeles Business Journal, Los Angeles magazine, NW Times, Los Angeles Daily Journal, Indianapolis Star, Orlando Sentinel, Chicago Tribune, and Divorce News.
A frequent speaker, Scott lectured on “Law and Ethics” at The Association for the Advanced Training Psychology oral workshop in 1991 and spoke on “Identifying Family Law Issues” to the California Society of CPAs.
- Loyola Law School, Los Angeles(J.D., cum laude, 1987)
- University of California, Santa Barbara (B.A., cum laude, 1984)
- Beverly Hills Bar Association
- Los Angeles County Bar Association
- State Bar of California
- American Bar Association
BOARD OF DIRECTORS : Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law
Rate : $$$
Alan Wagner

Leif Harrison Kleven

Edward D. Buckley

Thomas Petrelli, Jr.

Melissa Needle

Ryan L. Thompson

Ben Wilding

David Centeno