Tasha Chloe Sossamon Taylor
I’ve always been a problem-solver, going all the way back to my days as a child putting puzzles together, playing Tetris, and reading choose-your-own adventure books (I always have liked to help choose the outcome).
Becoming an attorney was a natural fit for me. I love working with my clients to help solve their legal problems. Each client and case is unique and, therefore, presents the challenge of finding a unique solution.
Not only do I love what I do, but I love the team that I get to work with at our firm. My law partner is my husband. The skills that make our marriage successful also work well together to make our law practice thrive. We are honest with one another and we know our strengths and weaknesses. That helps us know how to tailor our strategies in each case so that our clients get the best representation that our team can offer.
I have a blast every day working with our fun and energetic team to find creative ways to solve our clients’ legal problems.
When I’m not being a lawyer, I enjoy hanging out with my family, traveling, spending time outdoors, shopping at farmers’ markets, eating at local restaurants, and reading. And, coffee . . . none of these other things would be as enjoyable without coffee.
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