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Benjamin Fernandez

Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP

Benjamin S. Fernandez is an intellectual property lawyer who possesses noteworthy subject matter and industry knowledge, and has experience in patent portfolio management, freedom to operate/competitive landscape and IP diligence.

With more than 10 years of patent experience, his practice centers on helping companies navigate patent law complexities to achieve their business objectives. He draws on his extensive experience in managing US and international patent portfolios to advise clients on achieving the most strategic and valuable patent coverage possible and to develop formidable patents.

As part of Mr. Fernandez’s freedom to operate/competitive landscape work, he has helped clients launching new products understand how to avoid, design around and license to minimize risk from competitors’ patents. Mr. Fernandez is well-versed in both pre- and post-America Invents Act patent laws and has defended patents in USPTO post-grant proceedings.

Mr. Fernandez’s practice spans a number of industries. He advises on medical device patents, including orthopedic implants, cardiac implants, limb orthotics, and communications systems/information technology between medical devices. He has handled matters in the energy and clean technology sectors, including algae growth, algae harvesting, and in-situ shale oil extraction.

His design patent practice focuses on retail products, including molded or injection molded products and fashion retail goods released on seasonal cycles. He also has significant patent experience in software, financial services, and telecommunications technologies.

In addition, Mr. Fernandez conducts intellectual property diligence for buyers, licensees and debtors, as well as sellers, licensors and creditors. He works closely with corporate colleagues to ensure a smooth and seamless IP diligence experience for the client.

Mr. Fernandez is an adjunct professor at the University of Colorado School of Law, where he supervises patent student attorneys in the Entrepreneurial Law Clinic. Prior to joining WilmerHale, Mr. Fernandez was a partner focusing on intellectual property at another firm in Denver, Colorado.

Mr. Fernandez is the co-founder and chair of the steering committee for ProBoPat Colorado, a program that seeks to connect low-income Colorado inventors with Colorado patent professionals.


  • JD, University of Colorado School of Law, 2004
  • BS, Mechanical Engineering, Colorado State University, 2001


  • Colorado
  • United States Patent and Trademark Office


Rate : $$$

What types of cases Attorney Benjamin Fernandez & Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP can handle?
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP can handle cases related to laws concerning Corporate, Litigation, Business, Intellectual Property, Telecommunications. We manually verify each attorney’s practice areas before approving their profiles and reviews on our website.
Where is Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP located?
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP is located at 17th Street Plaza, 1225 17th St #2600, Denver, CO 80202, USA. You can reach out to Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP using their phone line 720.274.3163. You can also check their website or email them at BEN.FERNANDEZ@WILMERHALE.COM.
How much would it cost to hire Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP?
Benjamin Fernandez lawyer charges are specific to each case. However, they work with contingency fees and its ranges from $$ to $$$. They also provide free consultation [and no obligation quotes] if you are interested to hire.
Are Benjamin Fernandez reviews trust-able?
We have the ratings and reviews moderation team who checks and verifies every review submitted on our website manually. You can trust all the reviews you see on Benjamin Fernandez lawyer profile listing.

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Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
17th Street Plaza, 1225 17th St #2600, Denver, CO 80202, USA
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