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Paula Jo Pierce

Law Office of Paula Pierce

Paula Jo Pierce have been practicing law for 30 years. I received my bachelor’s degree, cum laude, from Trinity University in San Antonio and my law degree, summa cum laude, from South Texas College of Law in Houston.

After serving a year as a briefing attorney to the state’s highest court, I worked as a litigation associate in a small personal injury law firm in Houston.

In 1990, my family moved to Austin. Working part-time as a staff attorney at Texas Legal Services Center (TLSC) gave me the ability to have lots of time with my children while they were growing up.

When my youngest child entered high school, I transitioned to a full-time legal practice at Texas Legal Services Center. Working in a legal aid organization allowed me to develop a diverse set of skills spanning several areas of the law.

Starting a business is exhilarating but stressful, and it is hard to justify huge legal fees in times of financial uncertainty. Every business deserves a general counsel or consigliere, but in-house general counsel is out of reach for small businesses.

That is why I offer limited scope services. Businesses can economically outsource their general counsel needs to a law firm by taking advantage of flexible fee structures. Having an attorney handle every aspect of an issue can be expensive.

In 2005, I had the unique opportunity to work with people who were plagued by a crime that had received little attention: identity theft. At that time, there were few resources available to identity theft victims and few lawyers with experience helping them.

As the managing attorney for TLSC’s identity theft project, I learned about the federal and state laws that can be used by victims to recover from the crime and helped develop a victim’s toolkit. I also represented identity theft victims in court.

Several times, I was the first lawyer to appear in a court on behalf of an identity theft victim. This work gave me an inside look at the challenge cyber-crime poses for businesses.


Rate : $$$

What types of cases Attorney Paula Jo Pierce & Law Office of Paula Pierce can handle?
Law Office of Paula Pierce can handle cases related to laws concerning Identity Theft, Litigation, Employment, Consumer Rights & Protection. We manually verify each attorney’s practice areas before approving their profiles and reviews on our website.
Where is Law Office of Paula Pierce located?
Law Office of Paula Pierce is located at 13809 Research Blvd, Austin, TX 78750, USA. You can reach out to Law Office of Paula Pierce using their phone line 512-850-4808. You can also check their website
How much would it cost to hire Law Office of Paula Pierce?
Paula Jo Pierce lawyer charges are specific to each case. However, they work with contingency fees and its ranges from $$ to $$$. They also provide free consultation [and no obligation quotes] if you are interested to hire.
Are Paula Jo Pierce reviews trust-able?
We have the ratings and reviews moderation team who checks and verifies every review submitted on our website manually. You can trust all the reviews you see on Paula Jo Pierce lawyer profile listing.

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Law Office of Paula Pierce
13809 Research Blvd, Austin, TX 78750, USA
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