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Robert Duvin

Littler Mendelson PC

Working with a range of clients that include those in the cultural arena, Robert P. Duvin provides day-to-day advice and counsel about:

  • Contract interpretation
  • Problems arising from collective bargaining agreements
  • Employment discrimination
  • Wrongful termination
  • Business restructuring

As a chief negotiator, he has successfully produced contracts that have included company-saving concessions, and he has worked extensively with the supermarket industry, addressing economic challenges and offering valuable advice. In recent years, he also has served as mediator.

Additionally, Robert’s practice includes representing clients, including arts organizations, in commercial and high-stakes litigation matters. In that capacity, he has appeared before all levels of federal and state courts on a variety of matters. He also has been asked to speak on numerous occasions on the state of labor relations and collective bargaining.

Prior to joining Littler Mendelson, Robert founded a law firm in 1972. That firm grew to 47 attorneys, represented major companies throughout the country in all areas of labor relations and employment law, and was selected by The American Lawyer as one of the top six management labor law firms in the country before merging with Littler in 2007. In law school, he authored an article for the Columbia Law Review.

Education :

  • LL.M., Columbia Law School, 1964
  • J.D., Indiana University Maurer School of Law, 1961
  • B.A., Indiana University Bloomington, 1958

Courts :

  • U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Circuit
  • Ohio Supreme Court
  • U.S. District Court, Northern District of Ohio
  • U.S. District Court, Southern District of Ohio

Professional & Community Affiliations :

  • Member, Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association
  • Member, Ohio Bar Association
  • Member, Advisory Board, Northeast Ohio, New York Community Bank


Rate : $$$

What types of cases Attorney Robert Duvin & Littler Mendelson PC can handle?
Littler Mendelson PC can handle cases related to laws concerning Sexual Harassment, Litigation, Employment, Discrimination, Contracts, Business. We manually verify each attorney’s practice areas before approving their profiles and reviews on our website.
Where is Littler Mendelson PC located?
Littler Mendelson PC is located at 1100 Superior Ave, Cleveland, OH 44114, USA. You can reach out to Littler Mendelson PC using their phone line (216) 623-6100. You can also check their website or email them at
How much would it cost to hire Littler Mendelson PC?
Robert Duvin lawyer charges are specific to each case. However, they work with contingency fees and its ranges from $$ to $$$. They also provide free consultation [and no obligation quotes] if you are interested to hire.
Are Robert Duvin reviews trust-able?
We have the ratings and reviews moderation team who checks and verifies every review submitted on our website manually. You can trust all the reviews you see on Robert Duvin lawyer profile listing.

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Littler Mendelson PC
1100 Superior Ave, Cleveland, OH 44114, USA
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