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Bret Reynolds Smith

Bret Smith Law LLC

Bret R. Smith has a background and experience unique to the practice of law. A 1991 graduate of the United States Air Force Academy, Bret served the United States as an Air Force officer and jet pilot before attending law school at the University of Alabama.

Although it would appear that the cockpit of a Boeing B-1 Lancer and a courtroom do not have much in common, Bret has found that professionalism, preparation, and attention to detail have been vital to success in both places.

Bret R. Smith is a member of the Alabama State Bar, Tuscaloosa County Bar Association, and is licensed to practice law in State and Federal Courts across Alabama.

In addition to obtaining the rank of Major while in the Air Force, Bret was appointed by Governor Robert Bentley as an Honorary Admiral in the State of Alabama.


Rate : $$$

What types of cases Attorney Bret Reynolds Smith & Bret Smith Law LLC can handle?
Bret Smith Law LLC can handle cases related to laws concerning Child Custody, Family, Divorce, Child Support. We manually verify each attorney’s practice areas before approving their profiles and reviews on our website.
Where is Bret Smith Law LLC located?
Bret Smith Law LLC is located at 1924 7th St, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA. You can reach out to Bret Smith Law LLC using their phone line (205) 462-7288. You can also check their website
How much would it cost to hire Bret Smith Law LLC?
Bret Reynolds Smith lawyer charges are specific to each case. However, they work with contingency fees and its ranges from $$ to $$$. They also provide free consultation [and no obligation quotes] if you are interested to hire.
Are Bret Reynolds Smith reviews trust-able?
We have the ratings and reviews moderation team who checks and verifies every review submitted on our website manually. You can trust all the reviews you see on Bret Reynolds Smith lawyer profile listing.

1 review on Bret Reynolds Smith

  1. Alan

    Used stolen private pics to harass/embarrass my wife and left out evidence when stating lies about me

    Bret Smith is one of the most incompetent and/or immoral lawyers I’ve even ever heard of. He aided a client Paul, harass/threaten/blackmail his ex wife with hers and mine stolen private texts/pics from Paul’s married friend, Ranelle Duke. And they have nothing to do with a child custody case. She was screaming crying when she found out Bret threaten to use her private pics in court., etc. and she settled because she didn’t want to face the 2 men threatening her with her private pics and texts(selective ones). Bret also helped force her to divorce me by saying they were going to show I was acting as a predator concerning her girls since I bought them swimsuits. What he left off in his own copy of the stolen texts/pics, was Paul, their dad was asked to help buy some and he once again declined, and our texts show while I was out shopping with my own daughter, she not only asked me to get her girls some, but told me which ones, told me she would pay for them and then asked me to send them a pic of what we had just bought. These are just some of the lies and evidence he left out. Pics had nothing to do with case, especially when you look at the entire texts, which once again he used them knowing they were stolen and mislead so many details, like when the pics were taken, etc, etc. And I was also told he used 2 women to basically testify against me, Melanie Shewmake and Ranelle Duke, knowing they had never met or even seen me in person ever. And I informed him of many important issues regarding the children, etc. that he ignored time after time. And I saw this man advertise as a Christian lawyer, he and the others involved have now pushed me away from church and probably for good.

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Bret Smith Law LLC
1924 7th St, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA
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