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Diane Stamler Oraif

Diane Oraif Law

Contested and uncontested divorces, offering “Legal Representation With Heart.” Diane Stamler Oraif truly care about others, and will listen with compassion to your circumstances, and give you the attention you need to the best of my ability.

I have a deep compassion and understanding for those suffering from PTSD And trauma, and how it effects relationships. This is a result of my years working in Asylum/Refugee Law, including training on trauma through our organization, AILA.

Everyone will be treated with respect and compassion, regardless of “what side of the fence” you are on. I will help you with your parenting time, parenting plans, and special concerns you may have for your family–whether it be concerns as to education (I understand home schooling) or allegations of physical or mental child abuse.

My philosophy is not to escalate the issues to increase attorney fees. I like to help my clients take the shortest path to get to their destination. I understand how complicated and expensive it can get with Guardian ad Litem, therapeutic mediators, psyscologists, and multiple other professionals that can make your divorce and/or child custoday case nothing but a big headache.

Sometimes this is necessary, but in other instances the better route is to try to have a professional relationship with the other attorney, which is possible while still never losing sight of the fact that my client’s interests, if reasonable,  outweigh relationships with other attorneys.

Every case I look at is screened for the potential for alimony (or palimony), even with current trends to do away with alimony or change the way it looks. I am very understanding and realize we are not all rich, so I rely on the “Honor System” to set up a payment plan.

I am always open to alternative methods of contact with clients. I willingly communicate with Primate Messaging on Facebook, or even with text messages via cell phone, so that I can always be available to help you, especially when situations get stressful turning it into an emergency.

I also have experience with children in Juvenile Court, seeking dependency for Special Immigrant Juvenile Practice. I can take these cases from beginning to end, helping a child achieve legal permanent residency, which is often a more viable alternative than trying to get this status through adoption.


Rate : $$$

What types of cases Attorney Diane Stamler Oraif & Diane Oraif Law can handle?
Diane Oraif Law can handle cases related to laws concerning Family, Domestic Violence, Divorce, Criminal Defense, Child Custody, Immigration. We manually verify each attorney’s practice areas before approving their profiles and reviews on our website.
Where is Diane Oraif Law located?
Diane Oraif Law is located at 2821 7th St, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA. You can reach out to Diane Oraif Law using their phone line (205) 737-9522. You can also check their website
How much would it cost to hire Diane Oraif Law?
Diane Stamler Oraif lawyer charges are specific to each case. However, they work with contingency fees and its ranges from $$ to $$$. They also provide free consultation [and no obligation quotes] if you are interested to hire.
Are Diane Stamler Oraif reviews trust-able?
We have the ratings and reviews moderation team who checks and verifies every review submitted on our website manually. You can trust all the reviews you see on Diane Stamler Oraif lawyer profile listing.

1 review on Diane Stamler Oraif

  1. Daria Catalonia

    Very good at listening what I needed on my case. I was always able to get in touch with her.

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Diane Oraif Law
2821 7th St, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA
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