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Jeremy Goldstein

Jeremy L. Goldstein & Associates LLC

Jeremy Goldstein is a prominent lawyer in New York and a partner to Jeremy L. Goldstein and Associates Corporation. He is a qualified attorney with extensive experience after graduating from the New York University School of Law. Jeremy Goldstein is always passionate about seeking justice and fighting for the needs of his clients. His devotion has earned Mr. Goldstein a legacy in the law sector. He is a committed partner at Jeremy L. Goldstein and Associates law firm.


Any legal business requires a person with law skills, to ensure the company operates by state law. Jeremy Goldstein has made this mission to advise different CEOs, compensation committees, managers, and business committees on various matters affecting the business. With the help of other associates, Mr. Goldstein helps his clients understand corporate governance and compensation matters. Jeremy Goldstein’s skills come in handy when solving business matters in a court of law and help clients avoid spending much money on cases.

Mr. Goldstein serves as the chairman of the American Bar Association. This organization deals with mergers as well as business acquisition matters. Over the years, Jeremy Goldstein has represented clients in different corporate deals, winning many cases. His wins are based on past experiences and devotion to creating a better world. Clients with compensation issues across the US rely on Mr. Goldstein for advice and representation.

Partner – Jeremy L. Goldstein & Associates, LLC. Jun 2014 – Present. 5 years ten months

Partner – Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz Jul 2000 – Jun 2014.Fourteen4 years active in the firm’s executive compensation practice, with a particular emphasis on executive compensation issues that arise in connection with mergers and acquisitions and executive compensation issues as they relate to corporate governance.

Associate – Shearman & Sterling LLP Aug 1999 – Jul 2000. One year

New York University School of Law
Juris Doctor Law
1996 – 1999

University of Chicago
Master of Arts Art History
1995 – 1996

Cornell University
Bachelor of Arts Art History
1991 – 1995


Rate : $$$

What types of cases Attorney Jeremy Goldstein & Jeremy L. Goldstein & Associates LLC can handle?
Jeremy L. Goldstein & Associates LLC can handle cases related to laws concerning Corporate. We manually verify each attorney’s practice areas before approving their profiles and reviews on our website.
Where is Jeremy L. Goldstein & Associates LLC located?
Jeremy L. Goldstein & Associates LLC is located at 100 Park Ave, New York, NY 10017, USA. You can reach out to Jeremy L. Goldstein & Associates LLC using their phone line 212-256-1225. You can also check their website or email them at
How much would it cost to hire Jeremy L. Goldstein & Associates LLC?
Jeremy Goldstein lawyer charges are specific to each case. However, they work with contingency fees and its ranges from $$ to $$$. They also provide free consultation [and no obligation quotes] if you are interested to hire.
Are Jeremy Goldstein reviews trust-able?
We have the ratings and reviews moderation team who checks and verifies every review submitted on our website manually. You can trust all the reviews you see on Jeremy Goldstein lawyer profile listing.

6 reviews on Jeremy Goldstein

  1. Julie Williams

    Would recommend!

    great experience working with Jeremy. he and his staff are total professionals and make every process seamless. you can tell you’re in good hands from start to finish.

  2. Kate Hood

    Great New York Attorney! Highly Recommend Jeremy Goldstein

    Jeremy Goldstein helped me negotiate a wonderful settlement with my former employer. I’ve lived in New York 20 years and throughout my time have worked with and interacted with a slew of attorneys – the good, the bad and the ugly (believe me when I say this). Jeremy Goldstein is very knowledgeable and transparent and has guided me with the utmost professionalism to a wonderful settlement. He is my go-to lawyer in New York City and I recommend his services to you without hesitation.

  3. Monica Gerwitz

    Great Lawyer

    Jeremy Goldstein has been my go-to lawyer for myself and any friends needing legal assistance for several years. His experience speaks for itself.

  4. Laura Doug

    Jeremy Goldstein personifies expert attorney. I would rehire him in an instant.

    Jeremy provided excellent counsel on an issue of corporate governance. He handled it expeditiously and maintained great communication throughout our engagement together.

  5. R.

    Highly Valued

    Mr. Goldstein helped us through a sensitive corporate governance matter.

  6. L.

    Very knowledgeable.

    We hired Mr. Goldstein to advise on corporate compensation at our office. He’s very knowledgeable and answered many of our questions.

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100 Park Ave, New York, NY 10017, USA
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