Knowledgable, calculated, prepared. Success in a divorce litigation involves several factors. Knowing the law and knowing the facts are key to succeeding in a divorce case.
No amount of courtroom bravado can make up for a failure to grasp the key facts, law and issues in a case. I keep up to date by writing and editing Gitlin on Divorce Reports, a semi-monthly newsletter reporting on every Illinois family law case.
I also speak frequently, especially regarding tax and financial issues in divorce. Knowledge needs to be applied to be useful. Taking this knowledge, understanding it and applying it to the client’s case helps me in creating better projections and calculations for clients. With more information and a more accurate picture of possible outcomes, clients can make better decisions.
Finally, I believe being prepared is perhaps the most important factor. Doing the legwork, collecting the evidence, understanding the evidence and reviewing preparation with the client are steps I use to ensure I am fully prepared each time I walk into a meeting or hearing.
I cannot always be smarter than opposing counsel, but I can always try to be more prepared.
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