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Nicholas Ramos

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP

Nicholas A. Ramos’s practice focuses on environmental and administrative law. He assists clients in navigating complex permitting and compliance issues that arise under a host of state and federal environmental laws.

He also represents clients in matters involving environmental litigation, enforcement actions and administrative rulemakings. During law school, Nick externed for the Honorable Michael F. Urbanski of the United States District Court for the Western District of Virginia.

Prior to that, he served as a commissioned officer in the United States Army for over eight years. In the Army, Nick served in many leadership positions, including: tank platoon leader, special operations civil affairs team leader and operations officer.

His various assignments included a one-year combat deployment to Sadr City, Iraq and a six-month combat deployment to western Afghanistan. He continues to represent veterans through the firm’s veteran pro bono program.

Nick is admitted to practice in the US District Court for the District of Columbia, the US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, the US District Court for the Western District of Virginia, and all state courts in the Commonwealth of Virginia.


  • Advised a manufacturing industry client on air permit compliance.
  • Drafted comments on several important USEPA rulemakings, including: a rule updating the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program and application forms; proposed modifications to the NPDES Construction General Permit; and proposed selenium criterion for aquatic life.
  • Counseled a public drinking water utility on process for a publicly owned treatment works (POTW) to revise pollutant limits for an upstream industrial user under local wastewater pretreatment program.
  • Drafted comments on a proposed rule making changes to a state’s water toxicity policy.
  • Counseled an integrated food company on best practices to reduce risk of liability under federal environmental statutes such as CERCLA, CWA, and RCRA.
  • Advised a client on all aspects of environmental liability and compliance related to a real estate development project for a data center.
  • Advised the Government of Kosovo on environmental issues and site remediation for a $1 billion+ power plant project.


  • JD, Washington and Lee University School of Law, summa cum laude, Order of the Coif, 2018
  • BA, University of Virginia, 2007


  • Virginia


  • US District Court, District of Columbia


  • Member, American Bar Association
  • Member, Federal Bar Association
  • Member, Virginia Bar Association


Rate : $$$

What types of cases Attorney Nicholas Ramos & Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP can handle?
Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP can handle cases related to laws concerning Energy & Environmental, Litigation, Administrative. We manually verify each attorney’s practice areas before approving their profiles and reviews on our website.
Where is Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP located?
Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP is located at 901-951 E Byrd St, Richmond, VA 23219, USA. You can reach out to Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP using their phone line 804 788 8268. You can also check their website or email them at
How much would it cost to hire Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP?
Nicholas Ramos lawyer charges are specific to each case. However, they work with contingency fees and its ranges from $$ to $$$. They also provide free consultation [and no obligation quotes] if you are interested to hire.
Are Nicholas Ramos reviews trust-able?
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Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP
901-951 E Byrd St, Richmond, VA 23219, USA
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